Welcome to Purple turtle foundation

Transforming the lives of children in need through the experience of engaging books and learning resources.

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Purple Turtle Foundation is a nonprofit organization. Our mission is to widen access for underprivileged children to high-quality opportunities to learn to read, to help them develop multiple essential skills through powerful, effective materials. Create a world where every child has the opportunity to harness their talents using colourful and engaging books, interactive media and thus build a bright future.

Purple Turtle & friends are characters that bring smiles, giggles and joyful learning experiences to classrooms and homes of preschoolers. At Purple Turtle, our goal is to reach and benefit vulnerable children with the potential of our characters.

Helping kids to educate themselves improves the most crucial aspects of their life—money, health, gender equality, peace and stability. This vision for a brighter tomorrow has fueled the exciting journey of Purple Turtle Foundation.

  • Children living in poverty do not have access to quality resources and learning materials.
  • Kids in low-income families have few options other than leaving school and work.
  • Nearly a billion people even in the 21st century do not have the basic ability to read or write.
  • If all students in low-income countries gained basic reading skills, 171 million people could be out of poverty
  • .

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Help us in our mission by donating as little as $10 per month and get measurable results. Your periodic contribution will help us reach more and more kids with the resources they need to educationally succeed.

We accept support from individuals, foundations, governments and others who help us raise substantial funds to deliver high-quality learning resources to children even in the most remote areas.

As a Purple Turtle Foundation member, you can bring positive change in the lives of millions of underprivileged children in India and abroad

Talking Books

Story books (written by internationally respected authors)

Stories with moral values will not only help language and literacy to poor children, they will also foster emotional growth and give them some vital lessons of kindness and perseverance that are needed to get through trying times Award-winning Graded Readers with thirty six story books debuted as a part of our mission to make English language learning easy and fun for everyone. This series will help resource-deprived children learn English speaking and vocabulary skills in ways that will change the course of their future.

Talking Books

Talking Pen enabled books contain everything from early learning lessons, key topics, rhymes and stories like regular books. Only difference is that users can read out the text by touching the Talking Pen on the printed words of the books. This will help even the most unwilling, vulnerable child to grow interest in books and even visually impaired learners, dyslexic children or kids with learning disabilities to enjoy the written content of books even when they do not have access to a proper classroom or a teacher.