How to prevent your kids from Smart-phones

Today we are living in the modern age of technology and devices. Despite all the advantages of technology, smart-phones are not the only option and conversation partner in this world. Sadly, it is a serious kind of addiction, which affects human consciousness and relations with the outside world. Parents in this era play a most significant role in regulating the number of hours [if any] their kids spend on phones. Here are few ways to keep your child away from phone addiction.

  1. Engage & Enrol your child in a sports club or other types of group or individual activity groups. Engaging your child in outdoor activities and sports in they is interested in. Football, cricket, volleyball or running and playing in a park for little ones. There are a wide range of options in which your child may enjoy being involved. Find the best sports club near your area and register , spending time in physical activities like running, playing will ensure your kids remain active, healthy and fit. Swimming in season or long walks in winter will give you quality time together as well.
  2. Set a time-out option If you will scold your kid for using cell phone, they will find a way to fidget with your phones when you least expect them to, speak to your child and decide to spend a certain hour for using smart-phone, set passwords and time out option it will not only take them away from cell-phone but provide an opportunity to connect more with your kids and spend quality time with them.
  3. Awareness Alert them about over usage of cell phones Children have delicate minds, they easily grab whatever they see on phones. Help them be aware about the usage of cell phones. Tell them by describing in detail about the health and mental hazards of too much smart phone usage. This will work immensely to thwart them from overusing using phones.
  4. Technology is a servant not a master Use technology to educate wisely. There are various options available to educate your kids through technology. If your child insists on learning lessons via educational videos online, make it a point to stream to bigger screens so that they forget about the device and focus on education, it will help children learn with fun and enthusiasm. Do not use the cell phone as a babysitter!
  5. Set a good example Parents are the role model for their children. When you as parents indulge in longer cell phone usage, children will learn the same. They are bound to emulate this habit just as they learn language and manners. Set an example to not use phone too much in front of children. When your profession demands high usage of cell phones, do that in an alone space or when your kids are out to play or busy with their own activities.

By applying all these habits your child will avoid over usage of cell phones. This change is important for the whole family and the learning experience specifically.